Friday, September 11, 2009

Everyday Is New day

Its friday,fuhh...esok off day. During this week.its was very2 dazzle me up.
anyway.i still miss my sayang so much.she was gettin well from her fever, i never waste my time nor my responsibility to her, as she were part of me..part of my life.sik mok nya alone when shes need me.

Her parent, luar jangkaan kmk dwak..hehehe..they all very2 supportive in our will not end just a snap..but it will last forever and ever until Allah S.w.t take my life.

Aidilfitri is just around the corner, sik sabar asa nak beraya di kampung halaman,balit pakey moto jak.Save budget makey kawen..haha.
btw this raya is my first raya with my sayang,as well ngan nya pon parent..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...best2.

looking forward for the great2 day..


  1. insyaAllah sayang. thanks for always be there. ternyata restu dari ibu bapa bagaikan restu dari Allah swt. doakan berkekalan, jangan sesekali lupak dengan NYA, kerna Nya kita bertemu, Kerna Nya juak kita berpisah sayang.... i love you till death . i promise. only you. and forever will be only you , dad, mom. my family, my companion, my everything :(

  2. Hye Rizal, ni Aida kawan Wanie(tek)..
    saje je kaco2
    Nway thanks sebab jage Wani
    suke tgk korang hepi

  3. ure most welcome..hihihih..its precious and priceless,not only when ure sad but in other hand it ends with happiness when shes around.lucky to have her.
