dah nak raya baruk nak update..pehh, boring eyh..anyway this week memang bz,workload nang heavy..tapi still smiling couse she's around..Ngeeeeeee
lega rasa bila berjumpa..macam tenang jak..fuhhhhhhhhhhh...what a release.
Even sik berjupa sehari..sik best asa,(Guys anyway its true feeling,even you guys pon sumtime rasa gia.)hehehehe..True..yes its true.today...im with future parent asking forgiveness before i go back to my hometown,hehehehehe..i miss a part on How i get know them.hahaha.
Well we reverse it, On sept 12,
Mission : berbuka ngan parent nya
Location : sajian warisan
Time : before berbuka,
Buat kali pertama.fuh..exam time tok.bepeloh idung.mala jak nanyak ngan sayang..Do I look Ok..then we both laugh..hahahahaha.
msing2 tauk,well .....Alhamdulillah everthing is great!,lol.
Then we both go to d house then helping nya pon parent angkatt barang.waaaa,,feel besemangat nak ngkat barang, tolong daknya.as well getting upclose ngan daknya.What a wonderful moment
Then during the weekend before dakya balit, mek dwk membalun Sushi..fuhh best eyH
Always be the best moment if we are there.

Starter...with this..
sanma kabayaki is our new addiction

after that,bla bla bla ...dekat nak raya,
tonite, 18 sept, g umah parent..tolong polah tuntung,minyak sekda..haha..kakya betolong angkat barang and all.wow best.Then kak abis keja kenak offer makan durian..wOakakaka...best laluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..senyum ajak time ya.Love tek makan durian,,p sik byk.
Before nak berangkat Balit Ku salam memohon kemapunan,only gods know what im feeling that time..sayuk ati.Besalam ngan mum jak still like the same,but when tounching a skin called Ayah,rasa Rindu ngan my beloved Dad..the great man, my Idol.I wish he was here,.
After back from umah future parent, start kemas barang.Dalam masa ngemas.I will miss my Love, huhuhuhuh..but shes understand..and I Love her so Much.Forever and ever.

And Im gonna miss her......
For Readers
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin..
and im gonna miss you too love. selamat hari raya , maaf zahir dan batin... halalkan makan minum mek love.......
ReplyDeletemek halalkan semua love,mek pon gya jwak.if terkasar bahasa,or anything that annoying u.Mek mintak ampun dan maaf.