Hmm..its been a while ku sik udate blog tok.. dah nak raya baruk nak update..pehh, boring eyh..anyway this week memang bz,workload nang heavy..tapi still smiling couse she's around..Ngeeeeeee lega rasa bila berjumpa..macam tenang jak..fuhhhhhhhhhhh...what a release.
Even sik berjupa sehari..sik best asa,(Guys anyway its true feeling,even you guys pon sumtime rasa gia.)hehehehe..True..yes its with future parent asking forgiveness before i go back to my hometown,hehehehehe..i miss a part on How i get know them.hahaha.
Well we reverse it, On sept 12,
Mission : berbuka ngan parent nya Location : sajian warisan Time : before berbuka,
Buat kali pertama.fuh..exam time tok.bepeloh idung.mala jak nanyak ngan sayang..Do I look Ok..then we both laugh..hahahahaha. msing2 tauk,well .....Alhamdulillah everthing is great!,lol. Then we both go to d house then helping nya pon parent angkatt barang.waaaa,,feel besemangat nak ngkat barang, tolong well getting upclose ngan daknya.What a wonderful moment
Then during the weekend before dakya balit, mek dwk membalun Sushi..fuhh best eyH Always be the best moment if we are there.
Starter...with this..
golden balls has been our favorite sushi sanma kabayaki is our new addiction and we both enjoy it with excitement........
after that,bla bla bla ...dekat nak raya,
tonite, 18 sept, g umah parent..tolong polah tuntung,minyak sekda..haha..kakya betolong angkat barang and best.Then kak abis keja kenak offer makan laluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..senyum ajak time ya.Love tek makan durian,,p sik byk.
Before nak berangkat Balit Ku salam memohon kemapunan,only gods know what im feeling that time..sayuk ati.Besalam ngan mum jak still like the same,but when tounching a skin called Ayah,rasa Rindu ngan my beloved Dad..the great man, my Idol.I wish he was here,.
After back from umah future parent, start kemas barang.Dalam masa ngemas.I will miss my Love, huhuhuhuh..but shes understand..and I Love her so Much.Forever and ever.
Its friday,fuhh...esok off day. During this week.its was very2 dazzle me up. anyway.i still miss my sayang so much.she was gettin well from her fever, i never waste my time nor my responsibility to her, as she were part of me..part of my life.sik mok nya alone when shes need me.
Her parent, luar jangkaan kmk dwak..hehehe..they all very2 supportive in our will not end just a snap..but it will last forever and ever until Allah S.w.t take my life.
Aidilfitri is just around the corner, sik sabar asa nak beraya di kampung halaman,balit pakey moto jak.Save budget makey kawen..haha. btw this raya is my first raya with my sayang,as well ngan nya pon parent..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...best2.
Love is when I met you and I saw your shining face,
I knew you were the one; I knew it to be true.
I called your name and you came to me, you said my darling I love you and I'll always stay with you.
When you came to me, I did not know what to say, I was speechless and then I finally said; you are the one, the one for me.
I knew it was meant, but now it's all fate. You make me so happy when I am around you. You carry me always and I love you for that.
You think of me often and I'll always be there, to repay you for that kindness I knew would be there.
You showed me the path that I knew I should take, and by your example, I left it to fate.
I left it to fate to take me with you; I'll always be there, for I am devoted to you. I am devoted to you because of that promise I plan to make.
I will be there when you need me and you will be there when I fall. I will stand by you and you will keep me strong.
I will laugh with you and you will cry with me. I will leave it to fate, for I know it's all true. I know you are the one, the one for me. I will be there to repay that kindness and example that you once showed me.
After 1 year lebeh,cda gerek,no attraction and all,life getting very istart main Facebook.
best jwak main FB tok..wide connection,macam broadband (hishh) depends on which area..cia lah banyak kawan and add gikk for new network location...
The Day I Found ♥
Masa lam facebook..banyak jwak la member kepada member ku add, but ada sorang tok..sik tauk camney tegerak ati nak add, Its her'' Ani In Her Own..she's 2 years younger than me,she look cute with tudungs and other clothing,she's white thats y banyak baju match..hey..its compliments.:P kembang idong tho..
Its start knocking to my head when ada rasa nak chat ngan nya, that nite ku usha kit.and after dapat approval aku start la view nya pon pics and all....
GOSH!!!!!!!!!!..look what i found..the one yang nya Love is her mom,looks familiar to me,and i was thinking.duhhh....pekk..tangan atas daie..izzit true or what?? the lady beside her is a friends of my sister, the one that ask me to met her gurl las time..yaiks...what a coincidence.
So..start from that day..aku dah makin aktif main facebook..hehehe...best2..mala jak chat.Then i request nya pon Ym start dari ya..chances to be with is still 30/100, we talk about Wifi..hahaa..Respect ngan mum nya, she can hacked wifi..terer..hihihi..
After few weeks kak ya..hubungan semakin intim,makin lama makin best..firstly aku nang sik aspect kmk duak akan jadi lebih jauh..chances nait ke 50/100.we both talk a lot bout life..hook ups with who and counting chicken far ku kenal nya..shes very alim,semayang sik lupak,good girl ekot kata mum and dad,rajin,cute,peramah, the rest only me never had this feelin,its "......"
she doing KPLI, bakal chigu tok..nya belajar d maktab Myy.we both share a lots of things, until to d extend,sampe email pon polah macam sms,hahahah...sik jauh dari pc and fon,teman setia time ya.But truly aku lom jumpa face to face gik ngan nya..just nangga pic jak.huahuahua..soo still 51/100.lom tauk ada chances or i kept working out..
Last month at nite we both talks about assignment,Nya bingong until nya demam
(Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:06:38 +0800) hahah..bingong jwak lah,demam..gik pon masa tok H1N1 huhuhuh..soo aku nyuruh nya makan ubat and take a good rest.Pagi ya aku cda emel ngan nya, and suddenly i recieve and email.." no email for me today..hmmm..MYSM.." huh..apa benda MYSM ya...blurr..totally blurr..
Masa ya sik lalek gilak, i just carry on.lom ada keyakinan gik coz status lam FBnya says "Flirting is better than engage " sumting like that..soo curious la.then i ask her apa MYSM..she tell me..
mysm today - miss you so much today
hiap..hait..yahh...rasa nak terbang ke Bintulu masa ya, lebar senyuman ku masa ya fuhh...keja nang perfect terusss..wahhh...kuat jwak asa heppi tyme
In A Rush.
it came over me in a rush
When I realized that I love you so much
That sometimes I cry, but I cant tell you why
Why I feel what I feel inside
How I try to express whats been jugglin my mind
But still cant find the words
But I know that somethings got a hold of me
Baby, some day Ill find a way to say
Just what you mean to me
But if that day never comes along
And you dont hear this song
I guess youll never know that...
And when I say inside, I mean deep
You fill my soul with something I cannot explain
Whats over me
soo..we both call and sms share a lot of things, including educationnya,..a bit personal things,chances is getting higher..80/100..waaa..best2.Her mom tauk yang aku dah bekawan ngan merestui hubungan kmk duak.and yet she was very happy...lom penah dapat green light dr family about this..
i still remember bila mek duak Ym..
izaltoxic: dedicate ngan sapa tok
twyl1ght: _Thank_god_i_found_you.html
twyl1ght: dedicate ngn kmk mpun hehe.
twyl1ght: mesti lah ngn someone oh?
twyl1ght: :|
izaltoxic: owhhhhh
izaltoxic: lagu ini...best2
izaltoxic: someone?..ceyy...mesti bukan kmk ya
izaltoxic: haha
twyl1ght: heheh
twyl1ght: mun ktk gine lah?
izaltoxic: mun kmk..
izaltoxic: tengkiu2..
izaltoxic: aiseyy
izaltoxic: best eyh
twyl1ght: hehe
twyl1ght: (honestly) mek neyda contact org lain selain dari kitak..
izaltoxic: ni..
izaltoxic: im a bit corious now
izaltoxic: complicated
twyl1ght: yes kenak nya
izaltoxic: sik tauk la...either kmk perasan or apa..
twyl1ght: apa dipadah ktk tok...
izaltoxic: hahaha
izaltoxic: sekda pa2 ni
izaltoxic: mainan perasaan jak ya
izaltoxic: ??
twyl1ght: sekda...ktk cam berahsia ngn kamek...or kitak memang jenis yang bukan berterus terang... itsokey then
izaltoxic: thats y mek madah tek
izaltoxic: mun kamek padah..takut kitak madah mek perasan
twyl1ght: perasan gine kmk? kmk perasan kah?
izaltoxic: kmk lah
izaltoxic: bkn kitak
twyl1ght: ooo ktk
twyl1ght: kenak ktk perasan?
izaltoxic: either i like u or u like me..
izaltoxic: 50/50..
izaltoxic: sik tauk status..
izaltoxic: Frankly I do like u
izaltoxic: and kmk pikir kyg u like me too
twyl1ght: oooo
twyl1ght: heh
twyl1ght: ylh mek nang like ktk. n mok tanam feelings ya lebih dr like
izaltoxic: but why kmk?
izaltoxic: kenak kmk yang kitak choose..(mcm lam drama pon sleng)
izaltoxic: hehe
twyl1ght: hehehe...sebab kitak hadir masa mek tgh empty hehe.
izaltoxic: its came over me in the rush..
izaltoxic: means i just fill ur emptiness kah?
izaltoxic: not for real..just flirting?
izaltoxic: ya kah?
izaltoxic: :-/
twyl1ght: sikla
twyl1ght: for real. serious .
twyl1ght: sik main2.
izaltoxic: goshh..
izaltoxic: realyy....huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa
thats was the best part in my the end aku still percaya ngan jodoh..99/100 aku akan bersama ngan nya bukan Ani In Her Own..bukan nya sorang gik but with me.
Dear Lord, may this relationship longer,grow with love, further more until i meet U,..Amin.
dah past 3 years dah ku begerek..seems nothing change bout nya.keep me worried.thinking until when this goanna be end..siyeslly..i love her so much.but am i too dumb for this..
things are getting complicated,i heard a lot of strories about her..dushh..angol terussssss...
then nya dapat offer keja d KL..aku supportnya.berik galakkan and all.
but...i found out nya dah ada yang lain..S**t..aku kenak lagik..sedeyh hanya tuhan jak yang tauk.
banyak dah perubahan tp yalah..i still believe in jodoh..
ive decided to break jak..hate her so F**king Much..its suicide.
arghhh...lantak lah..apa nak jadi pon jadilah..
Life still going..keja keja keja...thats all yang menuh masa..
boss sms ada training for trainer d Blackberry device,from awal hingga akher.Dude..its not easy like its look.Susah lalu..2 papan panadol makan before last accessment..and YiPPiE!!!!!....aku Lulus.hahahaha..heppi eyh..then back to Myy than go to Kcg then Bintulu..huh..leteh amat.
But Thanks Lord..
ritok half tutup for end of weekend.its time for me to do laundry and all.(sucks) customer ramey..88% lost sim and the rest are service at home.sitting down depan Nbook,..huaaaa...what a life. i cant hooked up with my girl sad,but i look on the bright side. maybe this is the challenge for me,cabaran nok really2 made me a man.educate me to be more patient in what i want for life.
the beginning of my life..
the story bout me on past.masa g beringus sampe nektok..tears, enjoyment and all dah ku lalui, macam2 jak berlaku.
for from marudi,small kampung jak,but all my family live there,10 5th. my dad dah pass away when i was 12,seminggu before UPSR he passed away, cun jwak time ya dekat nak exam. then apalagik..kelam kabut ku kenak nya.feel nok belajar ya nang sekda lah.(like tracktor beam) so after result kuar,cukup makan jak.(demm) apa boleh buat, dah polah yang terbaik dah setakat ya..rilek jak.
masa kat sekolah menengah,S.M.K.M wow..banyak lalu member, kenak promote jadi pengawas sekolah.hahahaha...sejaik2 aku tok kenak promote jwak.ahahah apalagik..rilek2 jak nyuruh junior ku molah tok polah ya.
alhamdulillah masa time STPM aku dapat good result,then ku kerja kat kantin sekolah yang sama.part time ku jak sementara nunggu result Universiti kluar,then time ya jwak cuzen ku mdah ada kerja kosong kat Bintulu Mlng,then aku keja d cnun for 7-8 month. masa ya jwak ku terimak surat dari UIA and UM tapi sedeyh...sik pat masok.due to financial problem aku sik dapat continue study.i just crying when im thinking bout that. terpaksa tapok hal tok dari my mum,sik mok nya riso pasal tok.tanggungannya dah cukup dah.its time for me to survive.on my own..
balit miri, usu ku nyuruh keja ngan nya.kat restaurant.berbeza lalu scale gaji.dari 2k ke 350.oo jak..neway syukur jak.janji ada duit k merik ngan mak, atleast beban nya kurang. My mum is the best among all women,my Idol,My Love.nya jenis yang cool jak.c banyak ckap.but action speaks louder than words..and i understand what shes want.
dekat 1 year keja d restaurant..badan pon makin jadi gempal..hahahaha..mala jak melahap membalun menggattack, best time ya..sik riso pasal makan.memang tauk ada.snap it and masa ku keja cia..aku ada coba apply kat mana2 toko office. then dapat keja kat Hotel & an Night experience.handling rooms,customer need bla bla..Masa keja kat cia, gaji leh tahan.banyak guest so naiklah service point mekorg. nasib ada simpan kit makey nyambong belajar.apply kat Open Univercity, dapat!! yess...then im focus on my study.masa ya ku ngambik course public admin. dalam masa ku belajar ada one of my colleague,perempuan..shes look like chinese but she's Malay.kira tok rezeki aku..nya BM,company besar..BLUE is the trademark.ngan burung keruk sik tauk mok terbang cney..Its Celcom..masok jak celcom terus kelam kabut..ku kenak hantar g Limbang.every month keja seminngu d cia,sik alah2 travelling..sampe dapat polah bisnes jual ikan tahai d miri..huahuahua..penoh jwak poket. Oleh banyak gilak keja,ku pon study ada terbabas..lecturer mala molah exam on weekdays..almost setiap masa nya molah exam ku berada d limbang.mala mintak extend.jauh dah siliverse kenak tinggal..demm..aku stop for 2 years in Open U.geram jwak.bukan sik cukup masa but yalah time sik cun.. kerja d celcom memang fun,best,gaji pon leh tahan.dapat jwak ku ngirum banyak ckit for my family d kmpg.malam kak keja g enjoy..huahuahua..gila eyh..sampe pagi pon ada..angol time ya. masa ya ku dah begerek ngan sorang pompuan..bit chubby,puteh,and ada sense of humour.but sigek jak ku sik suka...nya ngongkong..nang ngongkong abiss.she must have a good reason on that.. jd sik la kesah gilak.but sumtime merik panas jwak.My sis (no^6on fam) telling me, ''jal..sampe bila ko mok ngan nya.,ko rasa ada future sik? she's asked..hurmm..susah nak mikir..jodoh d tangan aku gohead jak.ku yang merancang tuhan ku ngan gerek ku sik alah2 kelaie.boring jwak..mun dah sekda pande rindu indah..hampehh
stories getting more exciting when ada one of colleague kakak ku.shes telling me''mcm guro''..nya mok intro ngan anaknya..masa ya anaknya g stdy..well..polah besa jak..i have my own love now.why should i go further looking to others people nak,time ya nang sik kesah gilak.even kakak ku pon padah benda yang sama..kenen kan ngan si dia,woakkaaaaa...tensen2.but i believe in jodoh..yess i do...
well for sure lahir tahun 1984,year of rats..the chinese say: RAT 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996
Rat people are born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. They are expressive and can be talkative sometimes. They like to go to parties and spend quiet times chatting with their friends. Although the Rat can be quiet sometimes, it is rare to catch a Rat sitting quietly.
Rat people usually have more acquaintances than real friends and they revere and cherish those close to them. Once you become their real friends, they will treat you as their family. Rats are self-contained and keep problems to themselves. And even though they can be talkative sometimes, they never confide in anyone.
Sometimes mean, narrow-minded and suburban in outlook, Rat people are nevertheless honest. They can always make a success of their lives as long as they manage to master their perpetual discontent and their insistence on living for the present moment.
The Rat is quick-witted. Most rats get more accomplished in 24 hours than the rest of us do in as many days. They are confident and usually have good instinct. Stubborn as they are, they prefer to live by their own rules rather others. It won't be an easy task to work with Rat people, why? Simple, because they are also 100% perfectionists.( sik gilak )
They are very organized and talented, perhaps that is why the Rat makes a good businessman or politician. Unfortunately, as soon as the Rat earns money, he spends it. Maybe that explains why the Rat is so careful when he lends money to others. If you ever borrow money from the Rat, don't be surprised by the high-interests.(not ALONG woo)
The Rat is not romantic, but he is sensual and loving. Rat people could be hard to see through at first glance, because they are also very protective, but even though they are not easy but they are worth it - ask anyone who has a Rat for a lover, parent, child or friend. They are very loyal and devoting to their families.( yippee )
well its just prediction,..i am,myself,my owned,me.
well,,this is my first time,doing scratched in blog..and ive heard banyak org madah best...sum madah sik best...bored,, nahh...sik penah experience menda tok.. and now teringin jwak nak experience menda2 cam cool with it. sound fun to me tho.sharing infos,make friends,and all. at yet filled my time too.:P